Speed Sensor


Rotational Speed Sensor for Traction Motors of 6000 HP Three Phase Drive Locomotives of Indian Railways was developed and supplied as a replacement to the obsolete passive Wiegand Type Sensor. This is an active sensor with strong pulses having two output channels each with direction encoded signal making it 100% compatible to the Wiegand fed locomotive Electronics needing no modifications while retrofitting. The mechanical size and interface is identical to the old Wiegand sensor and is powered directly by a locomotive battery at 110V DC and can handle a variation of 77V to 138V. The sensor complies with IEC-60571 and IEC-61373 test standards.
We have also developed and supplied Speed Sensors suitable for modern IGBT traction drives which is also based on hall effect active sensor based and provides quadrature phase shifted open collector output which can vary from 8V to 32V dc.

GTO Based Traction Motor Speed Sensor (TMS - 1)

GTO Speed Sensor

TMS1 type was developed as a straight replacement to the passive Weigand Sensors used in the WAG9, WAP5 & WAP7 class of three phase drive locomotives. This type of Sensor produces direction encoded signal which is also galvanically isolated. The polarity of the output pulse reverses with reversal of direction of rotation of the motor shaft. The pulses are of about 25 usec width and around 2.5 V amplitude.

GTO Based Traction Motor Speed Sensor with Double Channels (TMS - 2)

GTO Speed Sensor Double Channels

TMS2 type Speed Sensors provide fully redundant output channels. In case of any failure in one channel, the other channel will not get affected. For this purpose, electronic circuit including Hall Sensor elements are fully duplicated inside. One output signal is assigned to a dedicated channel. Due to the extra circuit for redundancy, the height has been increased Slightly in comparison to TMS1 type.

GTO Based Traction Motor Speed Sensor with External Power Supply(TMS - 3)

GTO Speed Sensor External External Power Supply

TMS3 is similar to TMS1 type, except that it has the external power supply module for conversion of 110V dc to 12V dc required for the sensor circuit. This design eliminates the heat production within the sensor and suitable for working at tropical conditions where ambient temperatures are relatively higher throughout the year.

IGBT Based Traction Motor Speed Sensor(TMS - 4)

IGBT Speed Sensor

Type TMS4 is used in conjunction with traction motors fed from IGBT based traction converters in WAG9, WAP5 and WAP7 classes of locomotives. This type of sensor provides open collector, quasisquare wave outputs for speed and direction resolution. The dimensions and number of pulses per revolution remain same as that of the type TMS1.

Speed Sensor for EMU/MEMU Locomotives(TMS - 5)

IGBT Speed Sensor

TMS5 is a Hall Effect based Active Speed Sensor for Traction Motors fed from VVVF converters suitable for AC EMU traction motor type IM 3601 AZ. The toothed wheel must have 215 teeth. When the toothed wheel moves under the Hall-Effect sensor, the magnetic field linking with the sensor varies according to the tooth and trough of the wheel. The flux variation is measured by the sensor and amplified. The output of the sensor is square pulses with 50% duty ratio.

  • Input Voltage is 15V DC(12V to 15V DC).
  • Sensor Output is one square wave Plus with 50% duty Cycle .
  • IP is 68 protected sensor.
  • Max Signal Frequency is 21.5kHz.
  • Air Gap to be maintained between 1 to 2mm.

Speed Sensor for EMU/MEMU Locomotives(TMS - 6)

IGBT Speed Sensor

TMS - 6 is used in traction motors for HHP locomotives or EMD AC-AC traction systems.

Key Features

  • 100% mechanical compatibility with existing Traction Motor.
  • Iron toothed wheel as impulse generator, 120 pulses per revolution.
GTO converter fed locomotives
  • Accepts 110V DC battery supply and Hall effect type active sensor.
  • 100% signal compatibility with old signal Wiegand sensor.
  • Direction encoded output signal (signal positive in one direction , negative in other direction).
  • Output galvanically isolated.
GTO Speed Sensor
IGBT converter fed locomotives
  • Accepts 8-32V DC from converter control system.
  • Hall effect type active sensor used.
  • Output is short-circuit protected and open collector.
  • 100% mechanical compatibility with existing Traction Motor and 90° phase shifted output pulses for direction detection.
IGBT Speed Sensor